| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
Slowcoder | 4283 |     | "(From the Kyokoshinkai Karate)" |
2 |
geist | 3965 |     | "they just dont have the facilities you need" |
3 |
mur | 2004 |    | "conservative as word related to save somethign in orginal state" |
4 |
pavlovskii | 1567 |   | "what do you mean by "24-7 global compiles"?" |
5 |
TheUbu | 1256 |     | "supercharged transam or regular?" |
6 |
Therx | 1195 |    | "the RAID's not the problem. it works fine" |
7 |
quantis | 1020 |    | "its all gone a bit pete tong!!!!" |
8 |
Gareth | 871 |    | "did you boot that elf file with open firmware Slowcoder ?" |
9 |
vlad902 | 626 |    | "Interrupt gates clear the interrupt flag for you, trap doesn't." |
10 |
cyberpunk097 | 575 |     | "geist: do you do hardware work at danger" |
11 |
Padschild | 471 |   | "frank: maar hoe kan ik dat dan gebruiken?? wat krijg ik dan" |
12 |
witten | 443 |    | "it works as long as I don't try to change it :)" |
13 |
kyelewis | 443 |     | "he's more fun than anything evil" |
14 |
zephir | 401 |    | "yep, esp. for that much money" |
15 |
guru | 386 |     | "got it. you were right (at least for AX keyboards)" |
16 |
wli | 383 |     | "I think NetBSD or something does that." |
17 |
Greek0 | 359 |    | "does any one of you know beef jerky?" |
18 |
frank | 339 |    | "I know, I had to hear gtst and idols when I was 13 all the time" |
19 |
DennisCGc | 295 |    | "http://therx.sourceforge.net/?page=mission" |
20 |
air | 287 |    | "lower is better right? but what is the 2.5-4-4" |
21 |
mors | 278 |     | "clovis: the one i mentioned works for me" |
22 |
Werzi2001 | 250 |   | "how can i call the function with the address adr?" |
23 |
Clovis | 237 |    | "GRUB returns me bad file format... :(" |
24 |
druglord | 237 |     | "she even has business cards with her IP on em :)" |
25 |
lynx | 231 |    | "they are trying to attack falludsha" |
Is numme stupid or just asking too many questions? 33.5% lines contained a question!
Werzi2001 didn't know that much either. 31.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was file, who yelled 13.4% of the time!
Another old yeller was `Zeal, who shouted 9.0% of the time!
It seem that Robert's shift-key is hanging: 2.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 07:29:45 <Robert> MORNING
Clovis just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.1% of the time.
flameshadow is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 1 times. For example, like this: 06:59:28 * flameshadow smacks DennisCGc
quantis can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor file, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times. For example, like this: 07:57:11 * vlad902 slaps file
DennisCGc seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
vlad902 brings happiness to the world. 23.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
DennisCGc isn't a sad person either, smiling 22.7% of the time.
dax seems to be sad at the moment: 6.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
druglord is also a sad person, crying 3.3% of the time.
wli wrote the longest lines, averaging 62.0 letters per line.
#osdev average was 37.7 letters per line. |
Gareth wrote the shortest lines, averaging 18.2 characters per line.
kyelewis was tight-lipped, too, averaging 19.4 characters. |
Slowcoder spoke a total of 36947 words!
Slowcoder's faithful follower, geist, didn't speak so much: 31332 words.
f001 wrote an average of 27.71 words per line.
Channel average was 7.12 words per line.
`Zeal wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times! For example, like this: 18:02:47 --- kick: `Zeal was kicked by Slowcoder (So not up for this today)
Slowcoder is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1 people!
ChanServ donated 2 ops in the channel...
Slowcoder is the channel sheriff with 3 deops.
geist always lets us know what he/she's doing: 69 actions! For example, like this: 22:54:20 * geist is big on backups
Also, Therx tells us what's up with 53 actions.
geist is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 37 times!
Another lonely one was Slowcoder, who managed to hit 32 times.
redblue couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 106 joins during this reporting period! |
elvstone has quite a potty mouth. 14.2% lines contained foul language.
dec0de also makes sailors blush, 14.2% of the time.
Total number of lines: 31500.