| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
geist | 2254 |     | "though if you were to drive up to Lake Tahoe..." |
2 |
LiquidAir | 1050 |    | "all these oses with their 3-6 letter names" |
3 |
tj | 992 |    | "what makes it so hard for them to parse?" |
4 |
air | 716 |    | "and paging allows for finer grained protection" |
5 |
xeer | 633 |     | "i have much better things to worry about then the eye candy" |
6 |
KonZa | 576 |     | "man i think im going to need your help on this one" |
7 |
alphakiller | 520 |    | "geist: how do I write a char on com1 ?" |
8 |
NightBird | 492 |    | "I'm calling the segments of ram pages" |
9 |
bbls | 492 |    | "but better remap your pic to other place :)" |
10 |
Robert | 481 |     | "If it's below 1000 I lose faith in humanity." |
11 |
josh_ | 401 |   | "LiquidAir: forget the /tftpboot thing" |
12 |
kyelewis | 361 |    | "hey" |
13 |
bkil | 261 |   | "ahh... now that's the programmer's spirit ;)" |
14 |
Kermos | 251 |    | "not w/out some serious cooling anyway" |
15 |
Vladaz | 238 |   | "i programmed mine bootloader" |
16 |
Boney | 220 |   | "that's cause he looks the way he does." |
17 |
lscd | 218 |    | "geist: ehh, yeah, i remember that - that was way nice" |
18 |
mur | 211 |     | "which function did convert number to string?" |
19 |
Peppyx | 199 |   | "or it might help me a bit ;s" |
20 |
marco_g | 198 |    | "There is a dutch word for processor, regelneef." |
21 |
bkilTO9MJ217 | 195 |   | "btw. anyone menuett around?" |
22 |
cookin | 186 |  | "They have beer, don't they?" |
23 |
wossname | 166 |     | "you might say runtime code generation is part of it!" |
24 |
ushort | 157 |  | "bNk6i6l3lBeZrT7: screen buffering, keyb drivers simple mm etc" |
25 |
Snrrrub | 156 |    | "Pseudognome: guelph student, eh? :)" |
Is VU2P72klixer stupid or just asking too many questions? 34.7% lines contained a question!
KonZa didn't know that much either. 32.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Snrrrub, who yelled 11.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was bkilTO9MJ217, who shouted 6.6% of the time!
It seem that VU2P72klixer's shift-key is hanging: 6.7% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 15:44:14 <VU2P72klixer> :-D
bNk6i6l3lBeZrT7 just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 5.5% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
Snrrrub brings happiness to the world. 25% lines contained smiling faces. :)
marco_g isn't a sad person either, smiling 19.1% of the time.
Peppyx seems to be sad at the moment: 9.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
wossname is also a sad person, crying 8.4% of the time.
Snrrrub wrote the longest lines, averaging 71.7 letters per line.
#osdev average was 36.0 letters per line. |
Peppyx wrote the shortest lines, averaging 18.2 characters per line.
Vladaz was tight-lipped, too, averaging 20.0 characters. |
geist spoke a total of 19075 words!
geist's faithful follower, LiquidAir, didn't speak so much: 6188 words.
imaginator wrote an average of 41.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.91 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #osdev! |
Wow, no op was taken on #osdev! |
NightBird always lets us know what he/she's doing: 56 actions! For example, like this: 10:04:02 * NightBird is looking at the gdt descriptor, and there is a bit about if segment is avalible.... (The AV flag), so what does that mean, and should it be avalible or not avalible?
Also, tj tells us what's up with 31 actions.
geist is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 23 times!
Another lonely one was LiquidAir, who managed to hit 20 times.
mur couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 203 joins during this reporting period! |
Smari has quite a potty mouth. 5.5% lines contained foul language.
fu7h1n also makes sailors blush, 5.5% of the time.
Total number of lines: 18132.