| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
_^_ | 2863 |     | "and figure out your account" |
2 |
tj | 1967 |     | "microsoft is hopeing to suck everyone in with singularity?" |
3 |
MrEmbedded | 1944 |     | "yes I do understand what you explained" |
4 |
baked_potatoe | 1447 |     | "The newlib might be even smaller." |
5 |
geist | 1412 |     | "xlq: disregard that, the first shouldn't be 0, ever" |
6 |
xlq | 1184 |    | "rwt: I add the list of sources by hand" |
7 |
Fetrovsky | 1006 |     | "it compares backwards when DF is set" |
8 |
dav7 | 685 |    | "it even has 32-bit versions :D" |
9 |
zeii | 678 |    | "Yo, Folks? Anyone alive in here?" |
10 |
gaze_ | 642 |     | "don't do that to your professors." |
11 |
josip | 642 |     | "MrEmbedded: you've got secion .text above section mb, right?" |
12 |
Dragoniz3r | 543 |    | "you're listening to the troll again..." |
13 |
undesktop | 495 |     | "SECTION is a macro I think" |
14 |
speal | 472 |    | "you're enjoying that word :-p" |
15 |
rwt | 433 |     | "Threads with blocking do the same." |
16 |
NightBird | 427 |   | "yes, well thank you for your words of wisdom..." |
17 |
mur | 367 |    | "the other one of those where i am at" |
18 |
ronny_ | 317 |     | "tj_: much faster code says it goes into the header" |
19 |
DCandy | 265 |   | "but pci and pci-X are vulnerable at least" |
20 |
H_Simpson | 257 |   | "or (much simpler) place an infinite loop" |
21 |
OmniTechnoMancer | 256 |   | "the memory address o the instruction" |
22 |
Yarcanox | 230 |    | "mh ok so how can I get platform independent 2d graphics then" |
23 |
wli | 224 |     | "Fetrovsky: No. No userspace loading. IOW not far at all." |
24 |
eieio | 217 |    | "yawn" |
25 |
Aali | 213 |    | "but they're just elf segments" |
Is OmniTechnoMancer stupid or just asking too many questions? 27.3% lines contained a question!
TechnoMancer didn't know that much either. 21.8% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was mur, who yelled 8.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was dav7, who shouted 4.0% of the time!
It seem that dav7's shift-key is hanging: 6.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 02:32:24 <dav7> OH YIKE THIS IS MATH
zeii just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.8% of the time.
Fetrovsky is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 5 times. For example, like this: 10:25:24 * Fetrovsky slaps xlq around a bit with a large trout
xlq can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 3 times.
Poor _^_, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 2 times. For example, like this: 09:20:41 * Fetrovsky slaps _^_ around a bit with a large trout
Fetrovsky seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 2 times.
zeii brings happiness to the world. 25.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
AlexExtreme isn't a sad person either, smiling 19.5% of the time.
KillerX seems to be sad at the moment: 5.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
MrRTOS is also a sad person, crying 2.6% of the time.
baked_potatoe wrote the longest lines, averaging 76.9 letters per line.
#osdev average was 39.9 letters per line. |
needou wrote the shortest lines, averaging 23.2 characters per line.
dav7 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 23.5 characters. |
baked_potatoe spoke a total of 21145 words!
baked_potatoe's faithful follower, _^_, didn't speak so much: 18441 words.
nulrant wrote an average of 40.00 words per line.
Channel average was 7.56 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #osdev! |
Wow, no op was taken on #osdev! |
_^_ always lets us know what he/she's doing: 109 actions! For example, like this: 20:09:12 * _^_ hangs up
Also, tj tells us what's up with 85 actions.
zeii is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 37 times!
Another lonely one was MrEmbedded, who managed to hit 33 times.
redblue couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 103 joins during this reporting period! |
Dr_Link has quite a potty mouth. 12.1% lines contained foul language.
KillerX also makes sailors blush, 11.0% of the time.
Total number of lines: 26731.