| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
geist | 1802 |     | "XgF: oh ugh, dont search for std::leak" |
2 |
thePowersGang | 1224 |     | "maxdev: gcc defines wchar_t, with -ffreestanding?" |
3 |
sortie | 1187 |     | "He is doing *what* with /dev/tty, /dev/mouse and video output?" |
4 |
shaynox | 1132 |    | "ok so let's align my memory ^^" |
5 |
mrvn | 1098 |    | "needs extra lines on the bus and extra logic." |
6 |
Tobba | 773 |     | "Griwes: JSOS is pretty old" |
7 |
bcos | 773 |     | "(and it's larger, and harder to read/maintain)" |
8 |
glauxosdever | 760 |    | "EAX=0xFFFFFFFF EBX=0xFFFFFFFF" |
9 |
klange | 647 |    | "English uses "that" a lot." |
10 |
Halofreak1990 | 523 |    | "M_D_K: UTF-16 = 2 bytes, UTF-32 = 4 bytes" |
11 |
hypermagic | 512 |     | "they don't really advertise who are profiting from gcc" |
12 |
Griwes | 508 |    | "It just only does trivial things." |
13 |
M_D_K | 494 |     | "ffffffff801066ff: ff ff ff" |
14 |
Myrl-chan | 435 |   | "I have an old machine though" |
15 |
Vercas | 391 |    | "I'm far from the only one. :L" |
16 |
bcos_ | 387 |     | "Not sure - I didn't implement GRUB or syslinux" |
17 |
maxdev | 346 |     | "Tobba: well the precedence is well-defined actually :P" |
18 |
XgF | 333 |     | "Yes, and the RPi B2 not having a GIC makes it totally oddball" |
19 |
Sjors | 250 |   | "or is there some other way?" |
20 |
Firzen_ | 224 |     | "we can't all be kernels that can crash the system" |
21 |
Makerimages | 218 |    | "Ah, righty, mke tht a thanks, stackoverflow :p" |
22 |
yuriks | 203 |  | "bcos: well, do W M1+E1 instead, then it breaks" |
23 |
dtscode | 199 |    | "Tobba: err how does it not work?" |
24 |
habecker | 181 |    | "geist: you refer to the page about the PS/2 protocol now?" |
25 |
graphitemaster | 177 |   | "I really hate how Linux likes to keep a USB transfer cache" |
Is Aedx stupid or just asking too many questions? 33.6% lines contained a question!
habecker didn't know that much either. 31.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Sjors, who yelled 6.8% of the time!
Another old yeller was glenda, who shouted 6.6% of the time!
It seem that Myrl-chan's shift-key is hanging: 2.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 08:50:31 <Myrl-chan> LOL
glauxosdever just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 1.7% of the time.
Griwes is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 3 times. For example, like this: 15:08:16 * Griwes slaps shaynox with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_system
Poor shaynox, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 3 times. For example, like this: 15:08:16 * Griwes slaps shaynox with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_system
maxdev brings happiness to the world. 27.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
moritz31 isn't a sad person either, smiling 26.4% of the time.
yuriks seems to be sad at the moment: 3.4% lines contained sad faces. :(
moritz31 is also a sad person, crying 3.4% of the time.
habecker wrote the longest lines, averaging 116.0 letters per line.
#osdev average was 56.0 letters per line. |
xiphiasx1 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 24.2 characters per line.
xiphiasx_ was tight-lipped, too, averaging 28.7 characters. |
geist spoke a total of 19979 words!
geist's faithful follower, sortie, didn't speak so much: 14889 words.
wiggum wrote an average of 51.00 words per line.
Channel average was 10.19 words per line.
BobTheAngryCat wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times! For example, like this: 08:15:34 --- kick: BobTheAngryCat was kicked by thePowersGang (Get out)
thePowersGang is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1 people!
ChanServ donated 2 ops in the channel...
thePowersGang is the channel sheriff with 2 deops.
sortie always lets us know what he/she's doing: 66 actions! For example, like this: 08:28:31 * sortie sure is ready, looks forward to it.
Also, glauxosdever tells us what's up with 36 actions.
shaynox is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 13 times!
Another lonely one was geist, who managed to hit 13 times.
qnotwo couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 178 joins during this reporting period! |
joshua__ has quite a potty mouth. 14.7% lines contained foul language.
vanila also makes sailors blush, 14.2% of the time.
Total number of lines: 25444.