| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
sortie | 1889 |    | "http://wiki.osdev.org/Porting_Python" |
2 |
Vercas | 1324 |    | "thePowersGang: I like your chained if's suggestion the most. :)" |
3 |
geist | 1120 |     | "oh the book list is in the title?" |
4 |
thePowersGang | 890 |    | "v0rt_: But what if you invalidate that code page in the D-TLB" |
5 |
mrvn | 846 |    | "using and knowing all the details are 2 things :(" |
6 |
klange | 808 |     | "You haven't even told us what VM you're using." |
7 |
XgF | 679 |     | "Halofreak1990: If it has more than one error condtion, yes" |
8 |
tm512 | 509 |    | "I don't understand this higher half stuff at all" |
9 |
Halofreak1990 | 489 |    | "standard C++ is therefore incorrect" |
10 |
Kazinsal | 487 |    | "you will not create cylons on x86" |
11 |
zhiayang | 476 |    | "watch my abysmal performance" |
12 |
Sjors | 450 |    | "after remapping the interrupts I get interrupt 0x20 for IRQ 0" |
13 |
DemHydraz | 443 |     | "Points 2, 3, 5 and 6 especially" |
14 |
glauxosdever | 423 |    | "Too bad it's not permanent..." |
15 |
bcos_ | 403 |     | "Yes, that's be "physical address + present flag + writable"" |
16 |
jeaye | 391 |    | "Always -std=c++14 -pedantic" |
17 |
Makerimages | 385 |    | "zhiayang, Halofreak1990: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11882123/" |
18 |
peterbjornx | 348 |    | "also, see http://wiki.osdev.org/Beginner_Mistakes" |
19 |
maxdev | 298 |    | "loool! does anyone know who calls "ios_base::Init::Init()"? :D" |
20 |
sigtau | 248 |    | "Makerimages, what kind of problems?" |
21 |
bender| | 219 |    | "<renopt> meh, anything under 1200px vertically kind of sucks" |
22 |
agares | 187 |    | "maxdev: yup, but that's just an interesting metric" |
23 |
abhoriel | 181 |    | "reading my old code makes me feel like a moron quite often" |
24 |
Lowl3v3l | 175 |    | "lama_ you have a makefile for that normally. or sth alike^^" |
25 |
lama | 162 |  | "i have GNAT, will this do?:D" |
Is bAndChat409644 stupid or just asking too many questions? 34.8% lines contained a question!
Makerimages didn't know that much either. 29.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was glauxosdever, who yelled 7.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was DemHydraz, who shouted 4.0% of the time!
It seem that DemHydraz's shift-key is hanging: 3.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 08:46:04 <DemHydraz> AGH YOU PUSH OBJECT FILES TO GIT
xiphiasx_ just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.2% of the time.
sortie is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 1 times. For example, like this: 07:19:42 * sortie beats maxdev with a stick for the hell of it.
Griwes can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor Kazinsal, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times. For example, like this: 03:46:35 * Griwes slaps Kazinsal
maxdev seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
maxdev brings happiness to the world. 26.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
agares isn't a sad person either, smiling 14.9% of the time.
xiphiasx_ seems to be sad at the moment: 4.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
Vercas is also a sad person, crying 3.0% of the time.
bcos wrote the longest lines, averaging 92.2 letters per line.
#osdev average was 56.7 letters per line. |
bAndChat409644 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 16.8 characters per line.
xiphiasx_ was tight-lipped, too, averaging 24.6 characters. |
sortie spoke a total of 26826 words!
sortie's faithful follower, geist, didn't speak so much: 13884 words.
mario__ wrote an average of 42.00 words per line.
Channel average was 10.26 words per line.
GitGud wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times! For example, like this: 04:32:50 --- kick: GitGud was kicked by thePowersGang (Nope.avi)
b4 seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
thePowersGang is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 2 people!
ChanServ donated 2 ops in the channel...
thePowersGang is the channel sheriff with 2 deops.
sortie always lets us know what he/she's doing: 119 actions! For example, like this: 15:50:54 * sortie needs a team of musicians and audio driver developers to make an original soundtrack for my OS.
Also, Halofreak1990 tells us what's up with 32 actions.
Vercas is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 26 times!
Another lonely one was Sjors, who managed to hit 11 times.
vmlemon_ couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 124 joins during this reporting period! |
Tobba has quite a potty mouth. 13.4% lines contained foul language.
Paprikachu also makes sailors blush, 12.3% of the time.
Total number of lines: 25473.