| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
geist | 2493 |     | "ah i must have set the password at some point" |
2 |
zid | 1710 |     | "and you end up with two halves or two different jigsaw puzzles" |
3 |
gamozo | 1088 |     | "every time you enter usermode?" |
4 |
zid` | 1080 |     | "like.. arrays is usually the 2nd chapter in a C book" |
5 |
heat | 931 |    | "What the kernel stores as the thread" |
6 |
sortie | 880 |    | "(because abstractions break down)" |
7 |
Vercas | 724 |     | "Oh God I just told you how - the damn ICR register." |
8 |
glauxosdever | 618 |    | "Or would he just compromise the system?" |
9 |
thePowersGang | 537 |     | "No actually, it's done via structs" |
10 |
Lowl3v3l | 422 |     | "well they standardized a shit ton of things" |
11 |
bcos | 368 |    | ""possible", yes, in theory, with a few limitations" |
12 |
pecan | 350 |   | "hm I guess you have a pretty good OS too, but not the triangles." |
13 |
Ameisen | 342 |    | "even my cell simulator is sort of... wonky" |
14 |
SirCmpwn | 337 |     | "I write hundreds of shell commands every day" |
15 |
dminuoso | 335 |     | "L4B: A semaphore is basically like a counter. ;-)" |
16 |
dongleiirc | 335 |    | "klys: how to set pbreak in gdb? i googled nothing" |
17 |
latentprion | 316 |     | "seL4 uses the following address:" |
18 |
bslsk05 | 315 |     | "en.wiktionary.org: tsk tsk - Wiktionary" |
19 |
gamozo_ | 310 |    | "when i get hom i can do it on my 512GB box" |
20 |
moondeck | 310 |   | "eh, but i wanna actually have something useful" |
21 |
graphitemaster | 288 |     | "just a "typedef struct FILE FILE;"" |
22 |
zesterer | 247 |     | "But only after the keyboard interrupt executes" |
23 |
darklink | 235 |     | "even then, the mod had the right to do that" |
24 |
Kazinsal | 231 |     | "that's going to push this kind of purchase into MBP territory" |
25 |
klange | 229 |     | "Here in #osdev, it's reserved fo rme." |
Is zesterer stupid or just asking too many questions? 31.1% lines contained a question!
dongleiirc didn't know that much either. 30.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was glauxosdever, who yelled 5.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was Icefoz, who shouted 4.7% of the time!
It seem that Maka_Albarn's shift-key is hanging: 3.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 13:34:56 <Maka_Albarn> PDPE
moondeck just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.9% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
Lowl3v3l brings happiness to the world. 14.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Sik isn't a sad person either, smiling 12.5% of the time.
zesterer seems to be sad at the moment: 3.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
bslsk05 is also a sad person, crying 3.4% of the time.
Lowl3v3l wrote the longest lines, averaging 84.2 letters per line.
#osdev average was 57.0 letters per line. |
Stary[m] wrote the shortest lines, averaging 28.0 characters per line.
moondeck was tight-lipped, too, averaging 28.3 characters. |
geist spoke a total of 34076 words!
geist's faithful follower, zid, didn't speak so much: 17647 words.
bpye wrote an average of 44.56 words per line.
Channel average was 10.41 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
ChanServ donated 2 ops in the channel...
thePowersGang is the channel sheriff with 2 deops.
UNIVAC always lets us know what he/she's doing: 35 actions! For example, like this: 23:46:41 * UNIVAC reports changes to wiki page "Babystep5" by Unkn: External Links <http://wiki.osdev.org/index.php?title=Babystep5&diff=19962&oldid=19011>
Also, glauxosdever tells us what's up with 27 actions.
geist is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 24 times!
Another lonely one was sortie, who managed to hit 12 times.
Rodya_ couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 166 joins during this reporting period! |
warrshrike has quite a potty mouth. 23.6% lines contained foul language.
mrDoe also makes sailors blush, 20.6% of the time.
Total number of lines: 27789.