| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
heat | 2668 |     | "with kevin durant as the MVP of the finals" |
2 |
geist | 2495 |    | "that's the primary advantage" |
3 |
dmh | 906 |    | "i have used rust, even in its current state :D" |
4 |
klange | 863 |     | "one of these things is not like the others" |
5 |
Kazinsal | 835 |     | "dammit now I need to watch Blade Runner again" |
6 |
sortie | 804 |     | "Also don't forget the attack surface you add" |
7 |
m712 | 658 |    | "the new one is what i currently use" |
8 |
psephpt | 587 |     | "what do you mean clearing? sorry am new" |
9 |
Mutabah | 581 |     | "It confuses both readers, and the compiler" |
10 |
radens | 578 |    | "This is a very boring task I just need to get done." |
11 |
Levex | 552 |     | "I'll eventually do port to armv7 and aarch64" |
12 |
cr1t1cal | 471 |    | "this applies for any segmentation-compatible system" |
13 |
glauxosdever | 464 |    | "http://wiki.osdev.org/Higher_Half_Kernel" |
14 |
bslsk05 | 411 |     | "wiki.osdev.org: Higher Half Kernel - OSDev Wiki" |
15 |
Sjors | 366 |     | "izabera: in this case it was #4" |
16 |
bcos | 331 |     | "How much is being used to cache file data?" |
17 |
exezin | 328 |     | "Why would it index differently for me o_O" |
18 |
Lowl3v3l | 327 |     | " -google-readability-namespace-comments,-clang-diagnostic-*'\" |
19 |
izabera | 323 |     | "i suppose one is not supposed to waste much time on it anyway" |
20 |
grange_c | 294 |     | "pounce: Is this vga? Your pink seems... More pink than mine :o" |
21 |
psephpt_ | 293 |    | "does anyone have a sarku japan near them?" |
22 |
pounce | 268 |    | "Well you'd need multiple addresses, right?" |
23 |
_mjg | 244 |   | "i think yo uare screwed with ati" |
24 |
eltorito | 234 |     | "do you pee with the door open" |
25 |
klys | 227 |     | "except it looks like I might have to rebuild anyway" |
Is cr1t1cal stupid or just asking too many questions? 38.6% lines contained a question!
JodaZ didn't know that much either. 35% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was grange_c, who yelled 10.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was catern, who shouted 6.2% of the time!
It seem that Levex's shift-key is hanging: 3.4% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 14:52:46 <Levex> RIP
eltorito just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.5% of the time.
Maka_Albarn is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 1 times. For example, like this: 02:22:09 * Maka_Albarn smacks themself
Poor themself, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times. For example, like this: 02:22:09 * Maka_Albarn smacks themself
Lowl3v3l brings happiness to the world. 24.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
zentrum isn't a sad person either, smiling 14.0% of the time.
bryyan seems to be sad at the moment: 3.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
bslsk05 is also a sad person, crying 2.9% of the time.
earlz wrote the longest lines, averaging 131.0 letters per line.
#osdev average was 56.4 letters per line. |
psephpt_ wrote the shortest lines, averaging 31.2 characters per line.
psephpt was tight-lipped, too, averaging 32.7 characters. |
geist spoke a total of 34526 words!
geist's faithful follower, heat, didn't speak so much: 20406 words.
atrapado_ wrote an average of 50.00 words per line.
Channel average was 10.31 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
ChanServ donated 1 ops in the channel...
Wow, no op was taken on #osdev! |
UNIVAC always lets us know what he/she's doing: 42 actions! For example, like this: 17:06:13 * UNIVAC reports changes to wiki page "User:Bellezzasolo/CFS" by Bellezzasolo: <span class="autocomment">Atttributes Inode: </span> Added reference count <http://wiki.osdev.org/index.php?title=User:Bellezzasolo/CFS&diff=20980&oldid=19104>
Also, geist tells us what's up with 33 actions.
geist is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 26 times!
Another lonely one was Sjors, who managed to hit 13 times.
Belxjander couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 336 joins during this reporting period! |
ahhgodwhyhaveufo has quite a potty mouth. 25% lines contained foul language.
Desetude also makes sailors blush, 15% of the time.
Total number of lines: 30536.