| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Random quote |
1 |
heat | 574 |    | "we don't want a deadlock do we?" |
2 |
geist | 401 |    | "it took one of a and b and returned it as a result" |
3 |
klange | 296 |    | "I don't even know what some of those words mean." |
4 |
doug16k | 294 |    | "something like that, depends :)" |
5 |
graphitemaster | 231 |    | "I think JS is closer to C++ than Rust is." |
6 |
sortie | 195 |    | "1 and 2 and such are useful non-labels" |
7 |
gamozo | 107 |  | "anyone familiar with UEFI?" |
8 |
Mutabah | 93 |     | "The post was edited ~12 days after posting" |
9 |
Ameisen | 64 |    | "doesn't help analyzing a dump someone sends you, though" |
10 |
bslsk05 | 62 |     | "​freenode.net: Nickname Registration - freenode" |
11 |
ybyourmom | 41 |   | "Or you have a pretty terrible design and I'm understanding it" |
12 |
lkurusa | 38 |     | "heat: "AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor" supports mmx" |
13 |
klys | 36 |     | "oh I have that I just need oper to use it" |
14 |
ALowther | 33 |   | "doug16k: Me too :). Thanks" |
15 |
_cyno | 33 |  | "I don't really want to make them all static in my code" |
16 |
Icefoz | 30 |   | "Oooh, front panel switches and paper tape reader..." |
17 |
clever | 30 |    | "if you could convert from&to the cpu state xen saves at suspend" |
18 |
lachlan_s | 26 |  | "That's fair and still to be determined." |
19 |
glauxosdever | 26 |   | "How do I get more points next time?" |
20 |
palk | 26 |   | "every push/pop/call/ret will touch the kernel stack" |
21 |
lemmesee21 | 24 |  | "which says, that millenium time gpus are incredibly strong" |
22 |
xiphias | 23 |    | "would you like to switch places?" |
23 |
Lowl3v3l | 22 |    | "oh god, dont use raspberry pi. this wont make you happy" |
24 |
_mjg | 21 |   | "snowball: depends if you are aiming for posix compt" |
25 |
shikhin | 18 |   | "Underwater rabbit husbandry." |
Is heat stupid or just asking too many questions? 17.7% lines contained a question!
doug16k didn't know that much either. 14.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was sortie, who yelled 1.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was klange, who shouted 1.3% of the time!
It seem that sortie's shift-key is hanging: 1.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: 15:32:27 <sortie> SYSCALL_CLOCK_GETTIMERES
heat just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 0.3% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
gamozo brings happiness to the world. 4.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
doug16k isn't a sad person either, smiling 3.7% of the time.
gamozo seems to be sad at the moment: 0.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
heat is also a sad person, crying 0.5% of the time.
doug16k wrote the longest lines, averaging 85.3 letters per line.
#osdev average was 65.1 letters per line. |
heat wrote the shortest lines, averaging 38.9 characters per line.
gamozo was tight-lipped, too, averaging 43.5 characters. |
geist spoke a total of 5141 words!
geist's faithful follower, doug16k, didn't speak so much: 4518 words.
malfunction wrote an average of 68.00 words per line.
Channel average was 11.81 words per line.
naymersin wasn't very popular, getting kicked 4 times! For example, like this: 14:47:47 --- kick: naymersin was kicked by sortie (Come back 00:00)
alphaseg24 seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
Mutabah is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 6 people!
Mutabah's faithful follower, sortie, kicked about 5 people.
ChanServ donated 5 ops in the channel...
ChanServ is the channel sheriff with 3 deops.
geist deoped 1 users.
klange always lets us know what he/she's doing: 8 actions! For example, like this: 22:46:00 * klange disappears to watch a movie
Also, geist tells us what's up with 8 actions.
graphitemaster is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 8 times!
Another lonely one was doug16k, who managed to hit 4 times.
zeus1 couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 57 joins during this reporting period! |
Lowl3v3l has quite a potty mouth. 9.0% lines contained foul language.
glauxosdever also makes sailors blush, 7.6% of the time.
Total number of lines: 4380.