Network Security Labs
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7/5/2005 2:15:54 AM


I have been using Linux for about 3 1/2 years. I am a few months away from getting my bachelors in "Information Systems Security" (aka stuff I already learned on my own but needed a peice of paper to prove it) and decided to put some of these half finished labs up on the web for people to check out. Who knows, maybe if I can access them a bit easier, I may even work on them in my off time.. :) All of the labs have a definite focus on network security or some aspect of linux.

Have Fun


 Thoughts On This Design
I have been considering making an orange and gray design for quite some time, but never got around to it until now. I really like the sort of drop shadow look the these boxes have. It works quite nice although its pretty complicated when you don't use an editor. I draw out and code all of my designs by hand, and they can sometimes get quite lengthy. As you can see, the name is just a blend of orange and gray.

 Design Usage
This design was made to be full screen on a 640x480, but works with any resolution.

Anyone is free to use this design, but if you do, email me please. Thanks!
This design, orangray, my 3rd design for OSWD, made today by gymnerd from Principle of Design.

Total Time: 1:22 hrs

R Troiano

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